I was just over admiring Sandi's blog, hoping she had posted another pattern, but instead I found this. A contest to win a gorgeous quilt made of Ginger Blossom fabric. This thing is so beautiful!! So click on over and enter yourself to win. I've already conjured up my own little video plot to submit. Now I just need to learn how to use my camcorder, get the video OFF the camcorder and onto my computer, then figure out how to load it to youtube!!! LOL! I know my camera will do it... but I don't know how! So if you do, clickedy click on the comment link and tell me how!! Then go on over to the Old Red Barn Co. to enter yourself to win! But if you win and you heard about this from me, you should really let me at least borrow it or something :P
PS: I also checked out the Old Red Barn Co. online store, lots of great products! They have MAN SOAP!! Matt uses whatever he thinks smells good from the grocery store.... usually Axe or something equally cologne-ish. BAD BAD BAD!! I've been trying to get him to switch to some form of organic/natural soap and he insists that every single one I've shown him smells too girly! I use organic shampoo, conditioner (both Organix, usually Coconut Milk), and body wash. Kaytlin uses my shampoo and she has her own little kids organic body wash. I'm not an absolute eco nut or anything, but you'd be shocked to see the difference between my hair and skin before and after using strictly organic products. It's awesome!! My mom used to bring her own bath and body stuff when she came to visit, now she always wants to borrow mine! My fave quote from her - "I just can't stop touching my hair!" lol. Anywho... organic bath and body products are great and much better for your skin and hair than regular stuff.... even better than the high dollar non-organic stuff. And one last little note, you don't have to spend an arm and a leg.... my body wash is like $8 and shampoo/conditioner are like $7-8/each. Sounds like a lot to some people, but you're worth it!!! Splurge on yourself, you deserve it!
Now go enter to win this quilt!!!

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