Tuesday, May 27, 2008

My new toy

My grandmother gave me her 1960's Singer Touch & Sew 600E a while back, before she passed, but I never had any way to transport it to my house. I finally brought it home from my mothersh house yesterday and I'm so excited!!! I spent all night last night reading the manual front to back, examining all of the stuff that came with it.... 7-8 feet, 17 "special discs", and all kinds of doo-dads that I still can't figure out what they are.

I must say... we have it MADE these days. If we want to change stitches we simply turn a dial OR press a button OR slide a knob (or something similar.... one simple action). To change the stitch on this, you must select your stitch pattern, and select if you want to sew it to the left right or center, and select your stitch width, AND your stitch length, and some of them require you to adjust the tension. Holy moly!!! Well worth it though. I can't wait to use my new baby.

I'm particularly excited about two of the feet (if they actually do what they're supposed to). The hemmer foot and the binding foot. The hemmer foot, you just tuck the fabric through this little swirly thing and it continues the hem through the whole length of the fabric (no more folding, pinning, and pressing). The binding foot, it has this cone thing you slip either pre fold bias tape or tape you've made and there's a slit you put the fabric in.... voila no pinning, no being sure whether or not you're catching both sides, the foot does all the work for you... IF it works.

Okay, enough about my new baby. I'll post pics next time.

We had a nice memorial day. We went to my moms Saturday and came home yesterday evening. It was very peaceful and relaxing, but by yesterday afternoon I was VERY ready to get back to "the city" lol. My mom lives in the Georgia mountains. I don't see how people can stand living in the middle of nowhere. It seemed like everything was in slow motion. Everyone drives slow, days go by slow, service at the restaurant is slow, and even folks at the grocery store were walking slow.

Still working on my new idea. I've made a bit of it for myself and I'm really enjoying it. Some things still need work, some things I haven't even begun to try.... but that's because I'm still on a break. Hubby seems to be under the impression that I'll be going back to making kids clothes once I decide to start back. I really want to. I'm really passionate about it. I think I'm probably going to, but it's not going to be the same. I'll be paying myself FAIRLY. I've also got a few ideas up my sleeve for clothing. I ordered the supplies needed, they're on the way. I'm super excited. Again.... my hobby ADD is getting the best of me. At least it's just a spin on something I already have the stuff for versus a whole new hobby. I've got tons of hairbow stuff and I've made a grand total of one hairbow and bow flops to match. Wait, I have made a couple of button style clips but I'm referring to the stack of ribbon, dowels, etc. that's now collecting dust. I kinda knew that would happen though... I'm bad about that kinda thing.

Here's a pic of the sewing machine I got. This isn't mine though, I just want to go ahead and share it with you all though. I'm really excited about it and can't wait to use it!!!

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